
The PDU Podcast (CAPM Package)

Earn all 15 PMI PDUs needed for your CAPM renewal with one single course:

Key Features:

  • Fully aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle
  • Watch at your convenience on your phone, tablet, or PC
  • Includes certificate of completion to claim PDUs

Key Benefits:

  • Provides all 15 PDUs toward renewal of your CAPM credential
  • Approach recertification confidently
  • Anytime, anywhere: Earn PDUs on Your Schedule
Price $49.00
In stock

Easily Earn All Your CAPM PDUs: Just Press Play.

You earned your CAPM certification. Now you have to continue your professional development to maintain it. But where do you start to source high-quality, tailored materials to evidence your commitment to ongoing learning?

Don't worry: we've got the answer: The PDU Podcast CAPM Packageâ„¢.

The PDU Podcast CAPM Package gives you fast, convenient access to the PDU learning materials you need. Simply add your subscription to your favorite free or premium podcast app, download the webinars and start earning your PDUs.

PMI CAPM PDUs on Demand

With The PDU Podcast CAPM Package you get instant access to 10 high-quality webinars on curated topics, perfectly aligned to the Talent Triangle.

  • Earn All Your PDUs: With The PDU Podcast CAPM Package, you get access to ALL the PDUs (and a couple extra!) you need for a complete recertification cycle with relevant webinars.
  • Approach Recertification Confidently: We are a Trusted and Experienced Education Provider. Each webinar is worth at least 1 PDU for which you will receive a PDU certificate after an assessment.
  • Earn PDUs on Your Schedule: Watch all 10 webinars now if you need PDUs quickly, or fit the webinars into your schedule in a way that suits you.
  • Learn from Experts: 10 video webinars. 8 expert presenters. You’ll never get bored, and you’ll learn from the best.
  • Aligned to the Talent Triangle: The PDU Podcast CAPM Package offers PDUs for Ways of Working, Power Skills and Business Acumen, so you have all areas covered.
  • Relax: We’ve got you covered! With 17 convenient PDUs at your fingertips, you’re a step ahead for maintaining your certification.

Affordable Learning, At Your Convenience

Access to The PDU Podcast CAPM Package for just $49 for all 10 premium webinars. This option is our most cost-effective way of earning PDUs, at only $3.26 per PDU.

When you select The PDU Podcast CAPM Package you will be charged a single payment of $49 and you'll get immediate access to 10 webinars: that's 17 PDUs, a couple more than you need for good measure!

That's an average of $3.26 per PDU earned.

Once you’ve made your payment, you’ll have immediate access to all 10 webinars, plus a consolidated PDU calculation spreadsheet so you can keep track of your learning and your assessment and PDU certificate information.

Fully Aligned with The PMI Talent Triangle

The PDU Podcast is 100% aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle. When you claim your PDUs on the PMI CCRS website, then you will receive the appropriate amount of total PDUs.

In addition the PDUs are correctly mapped as PDUs for the three sides of the talent triangle, which are Ways of Working PDUs, Power Skills PDUs as well as Business Acumen PDUs.

Please see the tables below for details on how many PDUs you can earn for each webinar.

Want more details? Check out the detailed product description

For all the details of this product, please visit The PDU Podcast (CAPM Package).



Your satisfaction with The PDU Podcast (CAPM Package) is our goal. If you are not satisfied for any reason, then you can ask for a refund, as long as you meet the refund conditions outlined in our Terms & Conditions.

In addition to the product itself, the following are included:

  • Certificate of completion
  • Subscription to The PDU Insider Newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time)

By purchasing this package you will be able to immediately start watching the webinars from The PDU Podcast CAPM Package. Access duration is 1 Year from the date of your purchase.

Product Type
Training Type
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