
The Agile PrepCast for 30 PDUs

Earn all required PMI PDUs for your PMI-ACP renewal with one single course:

Key Features:

  • Fully aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle
  • Watch at your convenience on your phone, tablet, or PC
  • Includes certificate of completion to claim PDUs

Key Benefits:

  • Provides all 30 PDUs required to renew your PMI-ACP credential
  • Approach recertification confidently
  • Anytime, anywhere: Earn PDUs on Your Schedule

Need 60 PDUs for complete PMP renewal? Select The PM PrepCast for PDUs (60 PDU Bundle) instead.

Price $129.00
In stock

Easily earn all required PMI PDU for your PMI-ACP renewal: Just press Play.

Earning PMI PDU Made Easy

The Agile PrepCast for PDUs bundle awards you all the 30 PDUs you need for your PMI-ACP renewal.

  • Earn 30.5 PDUs by watching video-based lessons: Master the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques while earning PMI PDUs. Watch and listen to lessons from a certified instructor.
  • Get Certificates of Completion: Satisfy the Project Management Institute (PMI)® requirement for 30 Professional Development Units (PDUs) to renew your PMI-ACP credentials.
  • Fully Aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle: The course is designed to meet all the requirements outlined in the PMI CCRS Handbook and fulfill the PMI Talent Triangle requirements.
  • Covers All PMI PDU Required Minimums: At least 4 PDUs are required in each area of the Talent Triangle: Ways of Working, Power Skills, and Business Acumen. We've got you covered!
  • Easily Submit Your PMI-ACP PDUs Online: Claim 30.5 PDUs for The Agile PrepCast. It takes just a few minutes to submit your PDUs.
  • Earn PDUs on Your Schedule: There is no need to go to a classroom. Work the lessons into your schedule and not the other way around. Play them when you have the time.
  • Download all lessons to your phone or tablet: Because you’re always on the go as a project manager we have adapted The Agile PrepCast lessons into a full-featured podcast. Install a podcast app and watch at your convenience.
  • Trusted and experienced education provider: Since 2008, we have helped over 60,000 students to prepare for the exam and earn PDUs. Our pioneering course design and approach empower you to achieve the results you’re looking for.
  • Access the Learning Management System (LMS): Track your progress through our LMS and refresh your knowledge whenever you want. Feel free to revisit past lessons or learn about new ones depending on your project management needs.

Get All the PDUs You Need to Renew Your PMI-ACP Credentials

Benefits you get by signing up:

  • Earn 30.5 PDUs. We have been on the market since 2008 and helped over 60,000 students pass their exam and maintain their PMI certifications.
  • Learn from experts. The course includes expert examples in the field discussing evergreen topics.
  • Pay just $4.22 per PDU. It's one of the least expensive ways to cover any of your PMI-ACP renewal needs.

Ready to press "Play" and Earn Your PDUs?

  • Press Play. Earn PDUs. What could be easier? All you have to do in order to earn your PDUs is to sit back, relax and press play on our training lessons.
  • Maximize your time. Earn your PDUs wherever and whenever you want either downloaded or streaming.
  • Track Your Progress. Revisit past lessons or learn about new ones depending on your needs in the Learning Management System (LMS).

Get the BEST All-in-One Solution to Earn ALL of Your PMI-ACP PDUs

The Agile PrepCast for PDUs give you everything you need to renew your hard-earned PMI-ACP certification.

Simplicity - If you are seeking to achieve simplicity in renewing your PMI-ACP credentials, then this PMI-ACP PDU course will give you that simplicity.

Knowledge - This bundle will not only meet your PMI PDU requirements, but also enrich your knowledge and advance your project management career.

Want more details? Check out the detailed product description

For all the details of this product, please visit The Agile PrepCast for PDUs.



Your satisfaction with The PM PrepCastâ„¢ is our goal. If you are not satisfied for any reason then you can ask for a refund, as long as you meet the refund conditions outlined in our Terms & Conditions.

In addition to the product itself, the following are included:

  • Certificate of completion
  • Subscription to The PDU Insider Newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time)

This course provides complete PDU coverage for your PMI-ACP renewal. However, it only partially covers PMP re-certification requirements. If you need 60 PDUs for your complete PMP re-certification, select The PM PrepCast for PDUs (60 PDU Bundle) instead.

Access duration is 1 Year from the date of your purchase.

PDU, PrepCast
Product Type
Training Type
Agile, Renewal
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